Debra J Edwards
The Aggie Lichen Trilogy
8-12 year olds
Aggie Lichen; Pilp Collector
Book 1 Aggie Lichen faces the same dilemmas as any other thirteen year old; what to wear, how to keep out of trouble at school. But while other thirteen year olds are doing their homework or settling down to watch T.V., Aggie flits from house to house in search of prize pilps. That’s where Aggie is a little different. You see, Aggie Lichen is a pilp collector – a tooth fairy!
One nightsgritch – a tooth collecting evening – Aggie is attacked by a bright, mysterious light. Is it just a low flying glow worm or a bad tempered giant bluebottle? Or, as Aggie and her gang suspect, is it something more sinister? Unknown to them, Aggie and her gang have just thirty days to solve the mystery and save their kind but time is not on their side … neither are the Sprites or the Grublins … |
Aggie Lichen; Pilp Collector
Arty's Revenge Book 2 Heroes and heroines appear in many disguises. Some wear capes, others have masks but rarely do they have their very own wings!
Six months after saving Pilpsville from the evil Arty Granger, Aggie Lichen hopes for nothing more than a good night’s sleep and a shiny gold medal. But after her younger sister disappears, the medal still seems a long way off as Aggie and the gang are forced to face their old enemies, the sprites and the Grublins. And word has it that Gertie Cruet’s not too pleased either … |
Aggie Lichen; Pilp Collector
Hero Required Book 3 With sprites and Grublins roaming the streets causing chaos, someone needs to restore calm and return Pilpsville to its former glory. But with most of the town’s inhabitants turned into Grublin-fairies
by the evil Arty Granger’s potion, the task seems virtually impossible. A hero is required, but where could one be found? In a glass jar, captured by humans, lies a Grublin-fairy. Stripped of its memories, it knows nothing of its former life, friends or family. Yet this pathetic creature has a vital role to play – and remembering its own name could be the perfect starting point! |
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Aggie Lichen; Pilp Collector: £5.99
Aggie Lichen; Pilp Collector - Arty's Revenge: £5.99
Aggie Lichen; Pilp Collector - Hero Required: £6.99
Aggie Lichen; Pilp Collector: £5.99
Aggie Lichen; Pilp Collector - Arty's Revenge: £5.99
Aggie Lichen; Pilp Collector - Hero Required: £6.99
Young Adult Books
Marvin's Curse
e-book In a freak accident, Marvin loses his dad. One year on, life is no better as he struggles with his bereavement. Cursed by the newly acquired gift of psychic ability, inherited from his dad, Marvin just wants to be 'normal' again... and he wants his dad back - alive. But knowing he can now see them, the spirits hassle him. He is determined to ignore them all... that is, until Stella, a confused Goth girl, arrives in the graveyard next door... |